During my long drive back from Aslan’s Place after a prayer ministry over me and my generational line, my friend and I discussed about the difference between the Deborah anointing and Esther anointing – which of our girl friends have the Deborah anointing and which have the Esther anointing.
I don’t think I have either one. It made me wonder what other Biblical women who were anointed by God. To be anointed is to have God’s power resting upon you. Anointing brings you freedom from any servitude or oppression and allows you to walk in ministry that will bear fruit. Interesting enough, my prayer minister told me that she could see a lot of creative ideas hovering over my head, but I have yet to pull them down and put them in order. I felt God wanted me to study the different anointings and speak to the women at the conference I am putting together on God’s Beauty. [If you have any resources you could share, please let me know. I’d appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance!]
Deborah, in Judges 4, was a prophetess, a judge with the anointing of wisdom, council and discernment. She was also a leader who recognized, nurtured and released the giftings of others. Deborah had the presence of God with her and people were blessed wherever she went by it. She carried a strong spirit of leadership with authority, something you can only possessed from God. She recognized God’s voice and obeyed Him immediately, allowing her to walk in confidence of God. Deborah was in the forefront and helped men to become leaders. Deborah carried the boldness of a warring anointing, a great intercessor for spiritual warfare.
Deborah, I am not.
Esther, in the Book of Esther, was an orphan made queen only because of God’s grace, favor and mercy. Esther saved her people from genocide by coming to the throne of the king uninvited, which was a death sentence for herself. Esther was an intercessor who purified her heart and body before she was allowed in the king’s presence. She spent three days with the Lord in prayer, fasting and soaking. When she went to see the king, she was filled with faith, courage and beauty of holiness. This gave her favor with the king to accomplish God’s plans for His people. Esther had the anointing of intercessory for the people. She worked behind the scene and did not show herself until necessary.
Esther, I am not.
2 Corinthians 1:21,22 states that God anointed us.
21Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us,
22set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
We all have a purpose and when we walk in our anointing, we are free to be fruitful and walk in confidence with how God made us. There won't be any jealousy of someone else's anointing or gifting. There won't be any strife on trying to be who we are not. We would then be able to lift up our fellow sisters in Christ with honor in their giftings.