Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Creative Practice Week 2 - Six Word Memoir

Autobiography:  Give Love That Makes People Beautiful
Present Moment:  Sipping Rooibos Tea. I am happy.
Vision:  A world overflowing with joyful tears.
Spirituality:  All of You. More than enough.

Using only six words to describe your life’s motto wasn’t easy, but I did notice that I lost track of time thinking about using the right words. I have been stressed about all the things I have to accomplish on my To-Do List that people around me could feel that negative energy. After the first task, I saw that my shoulders were no longer up close to my ears and I sat up straight.
Word is powerful! I can see myself using this Six Word Memoir with the patients in the hospital. It’s a great opening to get them to start thinking about what to paint or create. They might be able to forget their worries for a while or maybe take it deeper and focus on their purpose in life. Purpose makes you fight to survive for the people you love.
I took a photo of my list to show the process of my thoughts. My six word autobiography is my life’s mission. I did not want it written in plan font, so I tried to write it in what calligraphers call, Black Letter. It’s not perfect; but then again, neither am I.

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